October 1, 2012

Weekend Waygone 16

I am still busy at work, but this week I spied a treasure in the mailbox on my way to and from my night shift hours.  My yarn and supplies needed for the next knitting project arrived!  I am now attempting my first ever pattern, the Tiny Owl Knits fawncho!  This is officially the nicest yarn I've ever used, the first project I've put thought into before starting, and my first time following any sort of pattern.  I am a third of the way through the intarsia fawn, and can't wait to go at it until I finish!


  1. Pics soon please! The yarn looks gorgeous!

  2. I love love LOVE fancy, soft, amazing yarns! I'm such a fiber nerd!

    I can't wait to see how the fawncho turns out!
