September 6, 2012

Knitting Future

I just ordered a few knitting patterns to keep me busy this winter.  I am very excited and just slightly overwhelmed already.  While I know how to knit a little bit, I have never read a pattern and usually figure things out as I go along...  This will be a new challenge for sure as I have never really tackled any bigger projects, let alone ones so intricate and specific.

I couldn't help but be (always) inspired by Meredith of One Sheepish Girl.  She took on the fawn-cho with ease earlier this year.  After seeing her whip out that project like it was nothing, I kept wanting to try a bigger project.  Even more fun that it would be wearable in the end!  I finally made the purchase and now I can't wait to get all my supplies and teach myself some new skills.  I also have had thoughts of switching up the colors.  While I love the green, I know it would get more use if it were a different color.  Dark brown, navy blue, forest green, pale oatmeal beige?  Decisions, decisions.

Meredith's fawn-cho inspiration took me to the Tiny Owl Knit shop where I fell in love with just about any pattern offered.   I had seen the beekeeper quilt around for a while and it was always something I wanted to start.  What I like is that the quilt is made up from mini knit projects, so it seems less daunting than if I were to take on a huge blanket.  Plus it seems like a nice way to use up the last bits of yarn that are always left laying around.

The hoodlet was a third impulse buy.  I love the idea of big, cozy knits and had been day dreaming of colder weather when I stumbled upon the scarf hood duo.  I can't wait til the weather cools down and the layering of clothing and warm knits can begin.  I know these are big projects, at least for me, but I hope to complete at least one before next summer rolls around!  I won't be able to start for a couple weeks, but I am bracing myself and preparing myself for the discipline needed to finish projects like these.  Fingers crossed!


  1. Oh my god. Too many patterns I want. This is going to be a PROBLEM.

    1. Right? I had to limit myself to just these three.

  2. Just shout it you need help with the patterns, I'm sure myself or Meredith will help. I've got the bee-keeper quilt too and have knit a grand total of 15 so far! :) keep getting side-tracked. Have a loolk over on Ravelry as there are some free TOK over there :)

    1. Thank you so much. I will indeed be shouting not if, but when I need help with these patterns. Right now I am miles and miles and many more miles away from my knitting needles but soon I will be back home and can order all the supplies I need!

  3. I might just have to buy the beekeepers quilt pattern the next time I have money. I keep seeing it everywhere, and I can't get it out of my mind!
    Thanks for the comment on my blog!
    Knit, Nicole, Knit!

    1. It seems like such a wonderful project. I like the idea that you work on it little by little. I can't wait to start making some hexi-puffs.

  4. Oh! I love the Tiny Owl Knit shop! And Meredith's blog is lovely. Good luck with the knitting! I've made 1 1/2 scarves so far... ha. A little slow...

    1. Thank you! I am just nervous about the new stitches/techniques I will be in the dark with... but I am sure it will be another fun adventure.
