January 28, 2013

Say What?

Things are happening. Things have happened. Aren't I so very descriptive? I have hung my hard hat up to collect dust for a bit of time while I finish school in Atlanta, Georgia. Ta da! My semi-nomadic streak continues. Gone are the days of working 5pm to 5am, 6pm to 6am, 7pm to 7am. Gone are the days of waking up to the sound of yard goats and neighbor horses. Gone are the days my parents come home with boxes of seltzer and gluten free pizza for me to indulge in my unemployed homelessness. Gone are the days I know where everything is in a town I live in. Well, gone certainly doesn't mean forever in these cases. Autumn will roll around and deliver me night shift hours, relocation, etc. Girl's got to make some sort of income. Until then I'll be tucked into a tiny studio working away at my long awaited BFA in printmaking.

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